I like to plan. I like to have a clear-cut direction written on paper. I want to be sure that my trips will be fail-proof, with no unpleasant surprises. I check and double check my flight schedules and make sure I have all my documents. There are a host of other things I do before and during the trip. This is good practice, but some people just want to be adventurous. Unlike me, they can book a flight at the last minute and take off to unknown destinations, with much zest to spare. I want to combine this adventurous spirit with my practical side. Needless to say life will be more exciting.

I came across this article at the website; "Top 5 reasons why travelling without a plan is the best plan," by Kaytlin Murray. She says;

"When we think of travel, we tend to think of months of planning, drooling over Google Images of destinations, and poring over guidebooks to map out the best possible route. Making a plan before you travel can be a great way to maximise your time and understand exactly what you are getting into (no freaking out at the airport when you realize you didn't apply for the right visa!). But sometimes, traveling without a plan is the best plan. Being spontaneous opens the doors to all kinds of possibilities. Even forgetting to apply for a visa can end up being a great travel story, and a experience you can learn from."

Here are a couple of reasons why you should scrap your plan, and just go travel!

1. The Freedom of Choice

Planner types may feel overwhelmed by the seemingly never-ending myriad of options, while a detailed agenda can leave a free spirit feeling restricted. The trick here is to find the right balance for your personality. Any good travel blog will tell you that traveling is all about pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone, and this is a perfect place to start if you typically plan your vacations minute to minute. Arrive to a new destination with nothing but your hotel reservation and return flight and you will quickly realize all the lesser known sights you have at your disposal.

Of course you will still be able to get around to the major monuments, but afterwards you will be forced to wander. This will be terrifying at first. You will probably feel like this was exactly the thing your worried friends and family warned you about before you left for this trip. But, inevitably you will stumble upon places and things you never would have if you had come bogged down with a pre-planned, day-to-day agenda of museums, bus tours, and restaurant reservations. Make enough plans to ensure you have a place to sleep and a way back home again, but don’t over book yourself and risk the chance of missing out on those hidden diamonds in the rough in your new temporary destination.


  1. Alfred21:10


  2. Bukky A.21:12

    I must plan o.

  3. Guys thanks for the useful posts

  4. B. Magana20:16

    Do you really want to travel without a plan? Not safe for me

  5. Ndidi01:54

    I traveled this way once and it wasn't funny

  6. chyoma peters01:29

    Good read....


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