Destination: DAR ES SALAAM

My first taste of Tanzania as an 8year old was this delicious Samosa, a national snack from the Indian influence.

The first Tanzanian I met was my classmate in elementary school. We were 8year old kids having so much fun together. Nene was her name, and she thrilled me with stories, foods, folk songs from her mother's country. She shared her Sambusa(Samosa) with me, a fish and potato filled pastry. I understood that it was brought to Tanzania by the Indians and now a national snack. I also got to meet her amiable relations.

Indeed, Tanzanians are warm, hospitable people. Dar Es Salaam, the bustling capital city is one place to begin your Tanzanian adventure. Appreciate life in this city before you go off to admire the matchless sight of Zanzibar from the airplane, or race with tigers in a Serengeti safari.Discover this splendid city of Dar es Salaam.Once a small fishing village, it now has a thriving urban life created through the African,Portuguese, German, Indian and Arab influences.Undeniably a beautiful collage. 
Twilight at the Indian ocean, in Dar Es Salaam

Dar Es Salaam, 
"the place of peace". 
Capital city of Tanzania,
the notable destination
in East Africa. 
Countryside in Dar Es Salaam

Enjoy the serenity,
Breathe the freshness of the countryside,
Simply savour the gift of life.
Kijiji Beach Resort

Kijiji beach resort,
African, traditional, yet modern.
Booking an all-inclusive resort holiday
is the best way to stretch your money 
with significant savings,
instead of paying for items separately.

Sail with local fishermen 
in waters teeming with rare 
and plenteous fish.

Shop for wholesome fruits and vegetables.
Sweet potatoes and the leaves(used in many recipes.)

Feast, the African way!

Explore, listen, taste, feel.
There is so much more 
to inspire and uplift 
in this African city.

Village Museum, a tourist attraction.



  1. SARAH06:58


  2. Bukky07:01

    I never thought of going to Tanzania. Good one, the pictures are inviting

  3. Chyoma06:30

    I like!

  4. Vivian Imaobong21:37

    Tanzania is not a common travel place for our Naija people but beautiful.


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